Identifying & Dealing with Biomats

2020 PSMA Conference PresentationA biomat is a layer of partially decomposed organic waste often found on the bottom and sides of an absorption area’s trenches. This presentation will address issues associated with the development of biomats including how and why they...

High Strength Wastewater

2020 PSMA Conference PresentationHousehold water conservation devices do a good job of reducing water consumption. However if the waste load remains the same then the waste products become more concentrated. The result is often high strength wastewater. When the...

Sub-Surface Drip Dispersal Design & Installation

2020 PSMA Conference PresentationWe depend on the soil to provide wastewater treatment. When working with shallow soils, we need to use wastewater application methods that can take full advantage of the limited resource. Subsurface drip dispersal systems ensure that...