Dec 21, 2020 | Member Resources
PASEO (the Pennsylvania Association of Sewage Enforcement Officers) and PSMA have partnered to create an Installation of Onlot Wastewater Treatment Systems training course. The checklists below (in Microsoft Word format) are provided as a resource to those who have...
Dec 18, 2020 | Online On-Demand Class
This 2-hour class will focus on the three dimensional soil pedon as a treatment media for on-lot waste water dispersal. As waste water passes through the soil, various aspects of soil play a part in the renovation of the waste water. Those aspects are the disciplines...
Dec 18, 2020 | Online On-Demand Class
Septic tank pumpers and haulers play a key role in the up-keep of homeowner onsite treatment systems. Oftentimes, municipalities have the pumper/hauler conduct cursory inspections of tanks and report their findings to the township. This 2-hour course will cover the...
Dec 18, 2020 | Online On-Demand Class
This 2.5-hour class will cover essential business topics for running an effective septic inspection business. The instructor will cover: business basics (structure, insurance); dealing with the government & regulatory agencies; interacting with customers;...