Mar 19, 2021 | Online On-Demand Class
Watch a recording of PSMA’s 1/27/21 webinar presented by the National Precast Concrete Association. Precast concrete wastewater treatment tanks are relied upon for many things including their exceptional durability. Depending on its use and location, there can exist...
Mar 19, 2021 | Member Resources
Approximately 605 million gallons of residential septage (septage) are generated by Pennsylvanians each year. Homes and businesses located in rural areas where no public or community wastewater collection and treatment systems are present must either treat their...
Mar 11, 2021 | Industry News, Legislative Update
Following the enactment of Act 34 of 2020 (formerly SB1030), PA DEP issued two “All-SEO Letters” in 2021 (to date) providing information on how the Department views the new law and its interpretation of how to implement it.The February 3, 2021 All-SEO Letter covers a...