PSMA Newsletter – July 2021
View an electronic version of the current PSMA print newsletter from July 2021. Inside this issue: Legislative Update; PSMA Testifies to PA Legislature; Gov Wolf Commits to Phasing Out Gas Tax; Landscaping Over Septic Drain Fields; CDL Updates; Biosolids General...
PSMA Audit Committee
The PSMA Audit Committee will be holding a review meeting at 5:00pm on Thursday, July 1, 2021 via Zoom. Access details & meeting materials will be emailed to committee members prior to the meeting.
PSMA Conference Committee
The PSMA Conference Committee will be holding a planning meeting at 5:00pm on Thursday, August 26, 2021 via Zoom. Access details & meeting materials will be emailed to committee members prior to the meeting.
PSMA Summer/Fall 2021 Training Schedule
PSMA has published it's classroom training schedule for the summer and fall of 2021! Download a PDF of the Registration Brochure or register online! July 13-14, 2021: PSMA 101 Basic Onsite Wastewater System Inspection Certification Course; Clinton, NJ July 21-22,...
PA DEP FAQs on Act 34 of 2020
PA DEP distributed the following FAQ to the SEO community on May 17, 2021 regarding Act 34 of 2020. Read the Department’s complete FAQ here.Excerpt:“This Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document was created to address questions surrounding the implementation of the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act, Act 537 of 1965, (SFA) as amended by Act 34 of 2020 […]
Partner Education Opportunity: PASEO Training Courses
The Pennsylvania Association of Sewage Enforcement Officers (PASEO) has released its 2021 in-person training calendar for the wastewater community. Members of PSMA are are eligible for PASEO's "member discounted rate" when registering.UPCOMING PASEO TRAINING...
Legislative Hearing on Act 34 of 2020
A state legislative hearing by the joint Environmental Resources & Energy Committee is planned for 9:00am-11:00am on Tuesday, April 27, 2021 regarding the enactment of Act 34 of 2020 (formerly SB1030) and its implementation by the PA Department of Environmental Protection.Representatives from PSMA will be offering testimony to the legislators along with other wastewater organizations and stakeholder groups.You can […]
Act 34 & Shallow Limiting Zone Systems
Following the enactment of Act 34 of 2020 (formerly SB1030), PA DEP issued two “All-SEO Letters” in 2021 (to date) providing information on how the Department views the new law and its interpretation of how to implement it.The February 3, 2021 All-SEO Letter covers a variety of important topics and can be viewed HERE. It provided preliminary information […]
PSMA Newsletter – March 2021
View an electronic version of the current PSMA print newsletter from March 2021. Inside this issue: New PSMA Lobbyists; Legislative Update; PSMA Inspectors Corner; SWPs & Tank Pumping; PennDOT Bridge Tolling; Act 34 Implementation. READ NOW.
PSMA Inspectors Town Hall – Winter 2021
On February 1, 2021, PSMA held its Winter 2021 Inspectors’ Town Hall meeting virtually with the PSMA Education Committee. Members who had questions about conducting septic system inspections or the PSMA Standards were able to get answers. Worth 1 SR1 CEU (self-reported).Free for members.Watch now
PA COVID Vaccine Plan Update for Wastewater Professionals
Pennsylvania has begun its vaccine Rollout Plan -- with initial supplies limited, the COVID-19 vaccine will be distributed to Pennsylvanians in four phases ranging from 1A to 1B to 1C to 2. We're currently (1/25/21) in Phase 1A and health providers have begun...
Miller Named Regional Director of DEP SWRO
Pittsburgh, PA – Effective January 2, 2021, James “Jim” Miller became the regional director of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) Southwest Regional Office. He replaces Ronald Schwartz, PE, BCEE, who recently retired after nearly 35 years...
Summary of COVID-19 Resources
The linked file below was provided by OSHA, and includes a list of general COVID-19 resources grouped by agency, a section with resources on reopening workplaces, cloth face coverings and respiratory protection, and vaccines, and additional industry-specific COVID-19...
PSMA Membership Renewals Due
PSMA membership runs from January 1st to December 31st for all members. Remember to renew you membership with PSMA by December 31st. To renew, first login to your account, then add 'PSMA membership' to your cart & check out.
PSMA Board of Directors Meeting
The PSMA Board of Directors has its semi-annual meeting scheduled in conjunction with the PSMA Conference & Trade Show at 6:00pm-9:00pm on Sunday, January 29, 2023, at the Red Lion Hotel, 4751 Lindle Road, Harrisburg, PA 17111. A plated dinner for board members...
Start a Discussion in the Members’ Forum
Are you a PMSA member who has a question about conducting an inspection? How to preform a repair or provide maintenance? Seeking more info on a specific wastewater product? Do you need general business advice from other members? Enter our Members’ Forum to ask a question to the membership or help other members by answering […]
President’s Message – Nov 2020
As I take a minute to look back on my 30 plus years as an active member of the PSMA, I am reminded of the many great people I have been lucky enough to spend some time with to share and learn from them. The list is quite extensive mind you as the folks that have been...
PSMA Newsletter – Nov 2020
View an electronic version of the current PSMA print newsletter from November 2020. Inside this issue: Lobbyist Search Committee, NJDEP Amendments to System Standards, Employee Tailgate Safety Meetings, New Overtime Rules for Salaried Employees in Pennsylvania. READ...
Yaw Bill Expanding Use of Alternate On-Lot Systems Signed into Law
(Jun 8, 2020) HARRISBURG – Legislation amending Act 537, the PA Sewage Facilities Act, to allow for the expanded use of alternate on-lot sewage systems for planning purposes throughout the Commonwealth was signed into law on Friday, according to prime sponsor Sen. Gene Yaw (R-23).Senate Bill 1030, now Act 34 of 2020, will streamline the […]
PADEP Publishes Final Alternate Onlot Sewage Pre-Treatment Technology Verification Policy
On May 9, 2020, PADEP published in the PA Bulletin the final technical guidance entitled “Alternate On-lot Sewage Pretreatment Technology Verification Policy (TVP) 385-208-003.” It will be used by DEP to evaluate new concepts or technologies applicable to on-lot sewage systems and components that have been classified as on-lot alternate technologies for use in Pennsylvania.The […]