The National Onsite Wastewater Education and Research Foundation, Inc. (“NOF”) was incorporated in 2002 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
NOF is national in scope and served by volunteer wastewater professionals of varied backgrounds. NOF’s core focus is conducting or sponsoring research related to the treatment and handling of septage/sewage; and, the proper management of the systems, processes and byproducts of septage/sewage treatment.\
The organization’s specific program purposes include all activities and tasks that initiate, foster, promote, or continue …
- Wastewater research, whether undertaken by this organization or others;
- The exchange of wastewater-related information, ideas and technologies;
- Gathering information from all sources;
- Disseminating information & educating interested parties; and,
- Training of field practitioners, landowners, and regulators.
Current NOF Trustees include:
Ned Lang, Lang Insdustries
Ray Erb, Thomas Erb & Sons
Tom Trimmer, Trimmer Home Inspections
Kyle Rigby, Young Septic
Susan Glackin Miller, Dale Miller & Sons
Laurel Mueller, GLM Properties LLC
Morgan Ward, Ward Bros LLC
Mark Mitman, PSMA
Jeff Rachlin, OnSite Management
Roxanne Groover, FOWA
Gene Bassett, EC Bassett Construction
Kimberly Seipp, High Plans Sanitation Service
NOF Contact Info:
National Onsite Foundation
PO Box 144
Bethlehem, PA 18016
(717) 763-7762